

Non-load-bearing interior walls consist of aerated concrete elements with a standard width of 50 cm, or in smaller widths to accommodate the individual building. Height-wise they are the same as the concrete elements to allow for tamping. Wall elements are connected to ceilings with steel pins and to each other with corrugated nails.

Towards living areas the lightweight walls are simply skim coated and covered with wallpaper. Towards the bathroom they are skim coated and painted above and clad with ceramic tiles below.

Concrete walls in living areas are covered with wallpaper after mounting holes have been filled in, and in the bathroom receive the same treatment as aerated concrete walls.

Floors in living areas are of wood (parquet floors) on chocked-up battens. In the bathroom they are usually of clinker/mosaic on a concrete screed coat with a slope towards the drain.

During the 1970s, fully-assembled prefabricated bathrooms started to become more commonplace.

Recommended literature:
H. Nissen: Modul og montagebyggeri (1975 og 1984) Tip: Skriv titlen i fritekstsøgefeltet

Grundejernes Investeringsfond, Realdania og Byggeskadefonden