Especially for lecturers
DANSKE BYGNINGSMODELLER (DANISH BUILDING MODELS) is a digital teaching tool that can be included in teaching about Danish building-practice in the period 1850-2000. The construction practice is illustrated here in relation to multi-storey buildings, but the principles are generally applicable for the period.
The 3D models are generic examples interpreted on the basis of historical literature and other submitted material. It is expected that lecturers will be able to use the examples directly in teaching and training, but it is the editors' hope that the models also can initiate a diskcussion about construction practice and principles in a broader perspective including the variants that are naturally found in real buildings.
Together with the digital encyclopedia DANSK BYGGESKIK, which contains approx. 120,000 pages of digitized literature on the subject, DANISH BUILDING MODELS provide a unique insight into and documentation of the development of construction in Denmark.
If the teaching is to be spiced up with documentaries of old building crafts, which are still being practiced in Denmark - albeit to a lesser extent, a large number of short videos about these subjects are to be find at BYGGEFILM.DK