

In buildings with floors of hollow blocks or reinforced concrete proper, the bathroom floor structure – regardless of the floor type in the other rooms – is always made of reinforced concrete with the widespread use of two-way reinforcement with round bars. This type of structure is less moisture sensitive than concrete floors with embedded iron beams. Terrazzo continues to be widely used as a floor covering during this period.

The walls are made of brick or cement-based (sheet) materials and covered with ceramic tiles, usually from the floor level to a height of roughly 180 cm. Wet room membranes, although a requirement today, are still an unknown phenomenon, but in spite of this, the incidence of damage to wet room structures during this period is less common than in wet rooms from earlier buildings.

Recommended literature in Danish: Lovgivning og teknik/Ændringer i tidens løb/Lovbefalede indgreb og Bygningsdel/Installationer
Byggebogen: Træbjælkelag (1948) og Hulstensdæk (1951) m.fl.


    Grundejernes Investeringsfond, Realdania og Byggeskadefonden