Flat roofs can be constructed as shown here: thermal insulation consisting of a screed coat of lightweight concrete cast with a slope towards the roof drain (5-10 cm) and two layers of plastic foam sheets (10 + 3 cm), and finished with a built-up layer of roofing felt.
The thermal insulation obtained from this was sufficient to satisfy the legal requirements of the 1960s; later requirements have significantly increased.
Ventilation of the structure shown is achieved through channels perpendicular to the facade on the top surface of the lower layer of foam plastic.
The lightweight facade is finished at the top with a timber structure clad with asbestos cement as applied to the rest of the facade’s solid sections, and is attached to the roof with angle bars mounted on the structure’s posts.
Recommended literature:
H. Nissen: Modul og montagebyggeri (1975 og 1984) Tip: Skriv titlen i fritekstsøgefeltet for alle fem publikationer
P. Becher og V. Korsgaard: Fugt og isolering (1957)