Replacement of facade sections
Type 5: 1960-2000
Industrialised multi-storey housing has certain inbuilt advantages due to its elemental construction. Under some of the other detail models relating to building type 5, we have described how energy optimisation can be carried out by retrofitting insulating materials to facades either internally or externally. Apartment properties with so-called lightweight facades often suffer major heat loss through the exterior walls, and the light materials typically have shorter lifespans than e.g. concrete. Therefore, it can often be advantageous to replace these facade sections completely and install new modular, energy-efficient facade sections in one streamlined process.
This streamlined process involves facade sections being produced in a factory without exposure to the weather and then being transported to the building at a time when their installation will be of least inconvenience to the residents of the affected apartments. Companies that specialise in this type of energy optimisation of buildings are experienced in replacing an apartment’s facade section within the space of a single working day. In some cases, the work can be made easier where the facade section involves a balcony.
The replacement of facade sections often changes the outward expression and therefore architecture of a building, and must therefore be planned and carried out with care. On the other hand, there are many examples of run-down, anonymous buildings being given a new lease of life through well-designed, aesthetically pleasing solutions – and at the same time achieving an up-to-date energy standard.
Photos: Enemærke & Petersen A/S